How Are You Reply In Spanish

  • #3

What about just saying "fine, what about you?" if someone asked you the question "how is it going?". Not many people would care about the gramatical correctness these days, hence the 'invention' of the slang "wazup".
Just on a slightly different note, there are other ways of spelling "wazup?" :)


Or simply, just "sup?"
Just a bit of a warning if you happen to come across these in the future.

  • #5

I think "nothing" is a rather standard answer to "wazup?" because most of the time nothing spectacular is happening and the answer would be something along the lines of "Nothing much. Just homework. You?" Of course, this is very conversational and should never be used in writing (unless communicating over AIM or a similar medium.)

Blues Piano Man

  • #7

If someone asks you, "How's it going?"

Your answer can be very short:

"Fine. You?"
"Great. You?"
"Terrific. You?"
"So-so. You?"
"Pretty well. And you?"

In AE, this is what we expect to hear when we ask, "How's it going?"


It can very much depend on the context. Who is asking, and what their relationship to you is.

When a grocery store clerk asks you as you're checking out, it is frequently just a formality. Depending on how I'm feeling at the time, I might acknowledge the question, but not ask a question in return...

"Fine, thanks."
"Very well, thanks."

Or if I'm feeling more loquatious and/or more outgoing (and I usually do), I might say...
"It's going very well. How about you?"

I have to admit that clerks are more likely to say "How are you?" than "How is it going?" But there are probably other situations where you can omit a return question.

Blues :)


  • #9

and is it correct to answer on "how is it going?"
just "it is going" ?

No, not unless the intention is to make a joke of it, although it's OK to say, 'It's going well', I suppose.


  • #11

I see. Ensure there are sufficient signals that this is a joke. :eek: I might say, in this vein, 'It is indeed going'.

  • #14

If someone asks you, "How's it going?"

Your answer can be very short:

"Fine. You?"
"Great. You?"
"Terrific. You?"
"So-so. You?"
"Pretty well. And you?"

In AE, this is what we expect to hear when we ask, "How's it going?"


Could we reply with another "how's it going?" or would it be weird do in so in English?


  • #15

It would be weird, just as it would be in Spanish. It would seem as if you were ignoring their question, unless you reply to it in some way before asking them back. It would also be odd to ask them using exactly the same phrase - we systematically use a variant - what about you?, how's it going with you?, you?, etc.

  • #16

Maybe I was thinking in a specific situation, for example, when you run into your housemates but neither of you has the intention to start a conversation cause you just had it maybe an hour ago, cause you share a place and you run into each other often, I naturally just say "hi" or "hey" but I noticed Americans would more often ask a question like how's it going.
With Spanish roommates I'd say it's normal going out of your room to go to the kitchen and say to your roommate lying on the living room's sofa "ey, qué pasa" (hey, what´s up) with the roommate just replying something like "ey" and nodding their head, so it'd be a different situation compared to run into a friend on the street and start chatting.


  • #18

But the question was
- How's it going?
- How's it going?

Which I think we all agree isn't normal at all.

How Are You Reply In Spanish


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