All the Cars You Can Get in Borderlands 2

watch 01:54

Arcane: League of Legends - The Loop


  • 1 Background
  • 2 Involvement
  • 3 Appearances
    • 4.1 Borderlands 2
    • 4.2 Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep
    • 4.3 Commander Lilith & the Fight for Sanctuary
  • 5 Trivia
  • 6 Gallery
  • 7 External Links

Ellie is an NPC introduced in Borderlands 2. She is Mad Moxxi's daughter and Scooter's sister, and is the mechanic that introduces the Bandit Technical.


Ellie and her family were part of the Hodunk clan, until the Hodunks decided to make her the clan-wife. Disgusted, Moxxi killed the clan leader at the time and took both her children with her, eventually ending up in Sanctuary.

Ellie became so fed up with Moxxi's insistence that she slim down her physique that she left Sanctuary and moved into The Dust, worrying her mother with the fact that she intentionally puts herself in the middle of the ongoing clan war between the Hodunks and the Zafords.


When the Vault Hunters have need of a bandit vehicle to get past the Bloodshot gang, they are directed to Ellie. Unfortunately, the Bandit Technical she had was crushed shortly before the Vault Hunters' arrival, so she sets a task of collecting various car parts to complete another.

She is later involved in a series of missions to reignite a feud between the Hodunks and the Zafords. At her urging, the Vault Hunters strike a few minor targets on each side, setting up an escalating cycle of violence until both clans are all but decimated.

During the Commander Lilith & the Fight for Sanctuary side mission Space Cowboy, she is given ownership of the Catch-A-Ride system through her late brother's last wishes, and helps the Vault Hunters erect a memorial in the Dahl Abandon for Scooter.


  • Borderlands 2
    • Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep
    • Mad Moxxi and the Wedding Day Massacre
    • Commander Lilith & the Fight for Sanctuary
  • Borderlands 3


Borderlands 2

When hit by a car

  • "Ow!"
  • "That tickled."
  • "Heh-heh."
  • "That stung a little."
  • " 'Sup."


  • "Hey, darlin'! I got some stuff needs doin'. Why don't you stop by my place in The Dust?"

New mission available

  • "Hey! Got a job for ya."
  • "Wanna help me with somethin'?"
  • "Wanna give me a hand with somethin'?"

During an active mission

  • "How ya doin'?"
  • "Still workin' on that?"
  • "Hey, take your time with that job we talked 'bout. No rush."

Mission turn in

  • "Day-yummm! You are good."
  • "Awww, I knew you wouldn't let me down."
  • "So, how'd it go?"

No new missions available

  • "I considered makin' up some errand so we could hang out, but nah. Got nothin' for ya."
  • "I'm alright -- no new jobs. How you doin'?"
  • "I can't think of anythin' I need done. If I do, though, you'll be the first to know."

While idle

  • "Nice to see a friendly face around here. You're the first person hasn't been throwin' insults or hatchets at me in quite some time."
  • "Is Scooter doin' alright? He found a girlfriend yet, or has he finally admitted what I been suspectin' for years?"
  • "You'd be surprised how much money there is to be made in sellin' scrap. Bandits make the cars, I bust 'em apart, then sell it all back to them so they can make new cars. They got real angry a few months back once they figured out I was the one scrappin' their cars in the first place, but hell -- what are they gonna do? They can't kill me, and they still need scrap. Livin' the dream."
  • "Stare all ya like."
  • "Moxxi ain't send ya, did she? I swear, if she sends another merc out here to convince me to come back to Sanctuary, I'ma lose it."
  • "You lookin' at my tattoo? It's a Hodunk clan thing. Kinda like brandin' cattle, but way creepier somehow."
  • "While them other folks was openin' the first Vault, I was hangin' out at the north pole, studyin' with some monk mechanics. Learned a lot there – like, don't go to the north pole."
  • "Ain't no hurry on any of these missions, sweetheart. They'll be waitin' for ya."
  • "Moxxi and I ain't exactly been on speakin' terms fer a while. Don't get me wrong – love her to death, and if it weren't fer her, I'd be dead. But she thinks a woman ain't worth a damn if she can't fit into a corset, and you can only take so much of that crap."
  • "Hey – if you ever hurt Scooter, I'll kill you and your whole family. Haha! Just kiddin'. I'll only kill your family."

Unrelated mumblings

  • "Ah, hell."
  • "Ooooh!"
  • "What on earth is that?"
  • "Damn!"
  • "Ahhhhh."

Radio commercials

  • "Hi there! This is Ellie, owner of Ellie's garage out in The Dust. Just bought me some airtime so's I could get a quick message out to the Hodunk clan. Ahem. Dear Hodunks: SUCK IT! Love, Ellie."
  • "This here's Ellie from Ellie's Garage, lettin' ya know that I can fulfill all your scrap metal needs. You need wheels? Got 'em. Mufflers? Got 'em. Those sharp little rusty bits that I don't even know what they do but they give you tetanus if you so much as look at 'em funny? Got twelve of those bitches. So come on down to Ellie's garage, where our motto is, If you give me any lip, I'll throw your ass into a car crusher!"
  • "If you need scrap, I'm your girl! Come on down to Ellie's Garage -- and don't forget to kill a few Hodunks on the way!"
  • "Hi, I'm Ellie, of Ellie's Garage. Come for the scrap metal, stay for the awkward flirtin'."

Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep

New mission available

  • "You're gonna like this one."
  • "You want it XP? I got it!"
  • "Hey! New quest!"

During an active mission

  • "How goes yer quest?"
  • "Kicked any orcs in the wing-wong?"
  • "Everythin' goin' good?"

No new missions available

  • "Got nothin' right now, but you'll be the first to know once I do."
  • "Man, I envy you. You get to go out there and put the hurt on the Sorcerer's goons, while I gotta stick around here lookin' hot. Gets kinda borin'."
  • "Man, part of me really wishes Scooter hadn't gotten eaten by that dragon."

While idle

  • "Yep. Drink it ALLLL in."
  • "Man, I wish this place'd get invaded by zombies. I wanna decapitate some fools."
  • "So, how you been? Ain't seen you for a while."

Unrelated mumblings

  • "Aw, hell."
  • "Friggin' Sorcerer."
  • "Armor's chafin' me."
  • "Can't wait till the queen gets back."
  • "Yer makin' a name for yourself."

Commander Lilith & the Fight for Sanctuary

New Catch-A-Ride welcome messages

  • "This here's a Catch-a-Ride! We got wenches with wrenches, and cars for days!"
  • "Welcome to the Catch-a-Ride! You'd look better in a rig!"
  • I'll give you a whole seat, but all you're gonna need is the edge!"
  • "Get yer rear in gear and Catch-a-Ride, you beautiful sumbitch."
  • "Kickin dust is for chumps -- you need wheels, amigo!"
  • "Walking round Pandora's how you get yourself killed. Get in a rollcage and kick some ass!"
  • "Nothin attracts members of whatever-sex-ya-fancy like a few tons of hot steel!"

While idle
Some of the idle chats are mission related and can't be heard again once the mission in question is completed.

  • "I'm mad as hell! I been workin' my ass off to keep that city goin', and now this Hector fella just ups an' takes it? Uhn-uh!"
  • "I'm thinking 'bout marchin' right back up there and shovin' ol' Shotty right up that Hector fella's root sack."
  • "Guess I'll start making myself cozy here. Hell, there's enough scrap around, I could start up a new shop."
  • "Before he passed, my brother Scooter told me to keep Sanctuary a-hummin', and that's what I'm gonna do. Murder-plants or nah."
  • "Lil's takin this hard. Ain't easy making decisions like this. That's why I let ol' Shotty make 'em for me!"
  • "That sexy li'l bandit toothpick's been givin' me the elevator eyes. It's alright, I've been doin' the same thing. Heh-heh."
  • "Mordecai ain't looking too swell. If we don't find him a cure for them vines soon, someone's might have to, you know..."
  • "Dahl used to be king of the hill 'round here, but when Pandora turned out to be more trouble than it's worth, they abandoned the planet -- and left all their people behind."
  • "I know y'all get all hot and bothered about finding more Vaults out there, but me? I just wanna to see some new sights."
  • "Don't worry, Vault Hunter. I'll hold down the homefront while you're gone."
  • "That space station Helios was pain in my sumptuous rear. Hard to believe it's actually gonna help us out for a change."
  • "You have fun smackin' those Hyperion bots around. That sounds like a good ol' time!"
  • "That Tiny Toot sure knows how to throw a bomb together. And with style! You see that goddamn thing? Like a dragon. Awesome."
  • "I miss Sanctuary. Guess it ain't until ya leave a place that ya start to realize it's become your home."
  • "You get that antidote yet, Vault Hunter? One thing's for sure: any of them murder-plants try to drag me into their garden of terror, I'ma shoot my way out."
  • "Wish I could see the look on that Hector fella's face right when you take him out! Ooh, you know what? Snap a picture for me."
  • "We're all safe here. That firewall is a masterful piece of Bandit ingenuity. Probably means they stole it."
  • "You gonna take back Sanctuary or what, Vault Hunter?"
  • "I knew you could do it, but hooo-damn if you didn't do it with some style, V-H."
  • "Real shame about Sanctuary, but man, she was barely kickin' as it was. At least this way she went out with some pizzazz."
  • "Me an' that bandit boy with the bod are really hittin' it off, if you catch my subtle and erotic drift."
  • "You see Brick's little garden? It's really comin' along! But, uh, if he offers you any produce I'd give that a hard pass."


  • One of the reasons she moved to The Dust is stated in a quote, for she believed her brother, Scooter, might have had a crush on her. Scooter reluctantly confirms that this was in fact true.
  • During the opening of the first Vault, she was at the North Pole, studying with some monk mechanics. The main thing she learned was not to go to the North Pole.
  • She makes money by scrapping bandit cars, then selling the scrap back to them to make new ones.
  • Her tattoo is a Hodunk thing, like branding cattle.


External Links

  • Meet Borderlands 2's Ellie (July 16, 2012)

All the Cars You Can Get in Borderlands 2


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