Green Dot on Green Background

Green Dot at UW

Bystander trainings for students are in person for Spring 2022! We will be actively reaching out to students to participate in one of the three scheduled sessions. Email us if you are curious about participating!

UW Faculty, Staff and Administrators who are interested in learning more about how to support the Green Dot Program, or who would like to attend an Overview Training should contact

About the Green Dot Program

A bucking horse and rider on a green circle

Here at The University of Wyoming, we are committed to reducing and preventing power-based personal violence such as sexual assault, relationship violence, and stalking. Green Dot is a bystander intervention program to reduce these forms of violence with one thought; If everyone does one thing, no one will have to do everything.

A Green Dot is your choice at any moment to make campus safer by promoting safety for everyone and letting others know that you will not tolerate violence. A Green Dot is any behavior, choice, word or attitude that sends a clear message that:

1. Violence is not okay with you, and

2. Everyone is expected to do their part.

Picture Campus – Imagine that there were Red Dots for every single time an act of relationship and/or sexual violence occurred. Those Red Dots are individual moments that someone's choice of words, actions or behaviors were used to hurt someone else. These Red Dots add up to unacceptable rates of violence on our campus. By performing Green Dots, you can change the norm. You send the message that everyone is expected to do their part to keep our campus safe by doing just one thing. What is that thing for you? Attending on-campus training can help you understand when and how to intervene in potentially violent moments.

Now picture all of those Red Dots on the campus map again. Imagine they were all covered with Green Dots – a single moment when someone made a choice to use their actions, behaviors, and words to stop or interrupt a Red Dot moment.

Examples of Red Dots:

  • Shaming, Humiliating or threatening an intimate partner

  • Stalking, following someone or repeatedly calling a person after they have made it clear that they do not want a relationship of any kind.

  • Any act that is an assertion of power, control and/or intimidation with the intent to harm another in any way.

  • Using drugs or alcohol as a weapon to sexually assault another person

  • Asking if someone is okay if you feel or see something concerning.

  • Offering to be a safe ride home or walking them to SafeRide.

  • Letting restaurant staff, bar staff or campus staff know that something might be high-risk.

  • Causing a distraction to diffuse the situation.

  • Telling someone to "back-off."

  • Checking in with friends who are acting differently after starting a new relationship.

  • Posting on Social Media about violence prevention.

  • Encouraging others to attend a Green Dot overview speech or training.

  • Placing a Green Dot logo in your email signature with a statement like "Ask me about Green Dot!" to help spread the word.

  • Using one of our Green Dot  Zoom backgrounds in virtual meetings to spark conversation.

  • Share our downloadable content to engage others.


Members Trained


Green Dot
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Green Dot on Green Background


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